Thursday, October 10, 2013

Designs used in this event...

Gate 1 - Rick - Swiss Time Expiration - Luxury, Sloped, X-Hvy Chassis, Hvy Suspension, Metal over Plastic F10/50 B0/24 L0/24 R0/24 T0/8 U0/8, 150 CID Engine w/VP Turbo & Supercharger & 10 points FP CA, 6 gallon Dueling Tank with 10 points FP CA, Driver D-40 Gunner G-40 with 10 points FP CA around crew compartment, 4 PlasticoreTires, TL Front laser linked to VFRP Front with 10 points FP CA around set, Dischargers - Flame Cloud Back, Flame Cloud Left, Flame Cloud Right, Sand Front, Spoiler & Airdam, 2 point metal Hubs Front, 2 point metal Guards Back, HD Shocks, HRSWC Gunner to TL, FE, 5 Links (Link1 TL to VFRP to OD, Link2 TL to VFRP to Sand, Link3 FCD to FCD to FCD, Link4 FCD Back to OD, Link5 FCD Left to FCD Right), 4 BT's (BT1 Front to Link2, BT2 Back to FCD Back, BT3 Left to FCD Left, BT4 Right to FCD Right), OD, Motion Compensator, 6336 pounds, $39,986

Gate 2 - Peter - D40 Lux - Luxury, Sloped & Streamlined, X-Hvy Chassis, Hvy Suspension, Metal over Plastic F18/9 B 0/16 Left 0/20 Right 0/20 T0/5 U0/8, 150 CID Engine w/Blueprinting & VP Turbo & Supercharger & 10 points CA, 7 gallon Dueling Tank with 10 points CA, Driver D-40 with 10 points CA, 4 Solid Racing Slicks, Dischargers - Ice Left, FCD Right, Paint Back, Spoiler & Airdam, 10 point Hubs Front, 10 point Guards Back, Ramplate, Roll Cage, 2 Nitrous Oxide, Safety Seat, Active Suspension, HD Shocks, 200 pound RB Back with 10 points CA, 3 Links (Link1 RB to NOS, Link2 all Dischargers, Link3 Link1 to Link2), 6587 pounds, $39,943

Gate 3 - Billy - Muncher - Luxury, CA Frame, X-Hvy Chassis, Hvy Suspension, LR Metal over Plastic F6/25 B 4/25 L4/35 R4/26 T2/20 U0/10, Large Electric PP w/Superconductors, Driver D-20 G-20 with 10 points CA & BA, Gunner G-40 with BA, 4 Plasticore Tires, Laser in Turret, 2 FG Left with 18 rounds each & 10 points CA around set, MD Back, IFE, 1 Link (FG to FG), TC for Driver, HRSWC Gunner to Laser, 6600 pounds, $39,130

Gate 4 - Rene - Vivica - Sedan, CA Frame, X-Hvy Chassis, Hvy Suspension, Plastic F70 B70 L45 R45 T10 U15, Sport Electric PP w/Platinum Catalysts, Driver D-20 G-20, 4 Solid Radial Tires, VMG w/HD Ammo Front, Spear 1000 MD w/TDX Ammo & Extra Magazine Back, Ice Dropper Back, Dischargers - Sand Front, FCD Back, Spoiler & Airdam, 10 point Hubs Front, 10 point Guards Back, 2 Links (Link1 MD to Ice, Link2 MD to FCD), Spoiler & Airdam, HD Brakes, Anti-Lock Brakes, HRSWC, IFE, HDHTM's, 6120 pounds, $39,815

Gate 5 - Roger - Carnivore - Luxury, X-Hvy Chassis, Hvy Suspension, Sloped Metal over FP Plastic F1/16 B2/16 L1/17 R1/17 T1/7 U1/7, Thundercat Electric PP, Driver D-20 G-20 w/10 points CA & IBA, 4 PR Steel Belted Radial Tires, RR w/HEAT ammo behind BTC Front w/10 points CA, Flaming Oil Jet w/HT Fuel Back w/10 points CA, Spoiler & Airdam, Fake Ramplate, 10 points Hubs Front, 10 point Guards Back, Active Suspension, HTM's, HRSWC, HD Brakes, No-Paint Windshield,

Gate 6 - Jeff - BOOP! - Luxury, X-Hvy Chassis, Hvy Suspension, Plastic F62 B25 L30 R30 T10 U12, 150 CID Gas Engine w/Blueprinting & VP Turbo & Supercharger & 10 points CA, 5 Gallon HD Gas Tank w/10 points CA, Driver Johnnee Haddees D-40 w/PFE & 10 points CA, Gunner Draconia Haddees G-40 w/PFE & 10 points CA, 4 PR Steel Belted Radial Tires, 3 RL's w/Incendiary Ammo Front, RL w/Incendiary Ammo in Top EWP, Dischargers - FCD Left, Flaming Oil Left, FCD Right, Flaming Oil Right, 8 point Hubs Front, 8 point Guards Back, HRSWC Gunner to RL's, 3 Links (Link1 Left Dischargers, Link2 Right Dischargers, Link3 Front RL's), Smart Link (EWP to Link3), EWP Ejector, 10 points EWP Armor, Active Suspension, Anti-Lock Brakes, HD Brakes, OD, 6596 pounds, $39.740

Gate 7 - Travis - The Monsoon - Luxury, X-Hvy Chassis, Hvy Suspension, Sloped FP Armor F32 B40 L35 R35 T9 U25, Large Electric PP w/Superconductors, Driver D-20 G-20 w/10 points FP CA, 2 PR Steelbelted & FP tires front, 2 PR FP tires back, 2 HMG's Front with 10 shots HD ammo each and one with an extra normal shot, HD Flaming Oil Jet behind BTC Back, 2 Drop-Spike Plates behind BTC Under, Dischargers - Sand Front, Ice Back, Flaming Oil & Flame Cloud Left, Flaming Oil & Flame Cloud Right,  2 Flame Cloud Top, Sand Under, Ice Under, Spoiler & Airdam, 2 9 point Hubs Front, 2 2 point Hubs Back, 2 9 point Guards Back, Active Suspension, Anti-Lock Brakes, HD Shocks, HRSWC to HMG's, Weapon Timer (fire 2 shots of HD Flaming Oil then stop), 14 Links (Link1 - HMG to HMG, Link2 - Link1 to HDFOJ, Link 3 - Link1 to DSP1, Link4 - Link2 to DSP2, Link5 Left Dischargers, Link6 - Right Dischargers, Link7 - WT to HD Flaming Oil, Link8 - Link7 to DSP1, Link9 - Link7 to DSP2, Link10 - Link9 to FC2 Top, Link11 - DSP1 to Ice Back, Link12 - DSP2 to Ice Under, Link13 - Link5 to Link6 to FC2 Top, Link14 - Link1 to Link5 to Link6), 10 Bumper Triggers (BT1 - Front to HMG1, BT2 - Front to HMG2, BT3 - Front to Sand Front, BT4 - Back to Ice Back, BT5 - Left to FOJ Left, BT6 - Left to FC Left, BT7 - Right to FOJ Right, BT8 - Right to FC Right, BT9 - Back to FC1 Top, BT10 - Front to Sand Under, 6600 pounds, $39,844

Gate 8 - Joseph - NNN - Sedan, X-Hvy Chassis, Hvy Suspension, Sloped Plastic F45 B31 L41 R25 T14 U17, Sport PowerPlant w/PC & SC, Driver D-20 G-20 w/PFE & BA & 10 points FP CA, 4 Solid Radial Tires, Oil/Paint Gun w/Flaming Oil Ammo Left, Dischargers - Sand Front, Ice Right, Oil Right, Ice Left, Oil Left, 2 Flame Cloud Top, 2 Flame Cloud Under, Ice Back, Active Suspension, No-Paint Windshield, HD Shocks, HRSWC, HDHTM's, Anti-Lock Brakes, HD Brakes, Roll Cage, Spoiler & Airdam, Ramplate, 10 point Hub Front Left, 8 point Hub Front Right, 2 2 Point Hubs Back, 10 point Guard Back Left, 8 point Guard Back Right, 8 Links (Link1 - Ice Back to Oil Right to Oil Left to FCD1 Under, Link2 - Oil Right to Ice Right to FCD1 Under, Link3 - Oil Left to Ice Left to FCD2 Top, Link4 Link1 to Oil Gun, Link5 - Link2 to Oil Gun, Link6 - Link3 to Oil Gun, Link7 FCD2 Under to Oil Gun, Link8 - HDHTM to Oil Gun), 4 Bumper Triggers (BT1 - Front to Sand Front, BT2 - Back to Link1, BT3 - Right to Link2, BT4 - Left to Link3), 6120 pounds, $39,961.90

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

It's Over...

Turn 6 Phase 4
Peter makes a D1 right bend.

Travis' HMG's fire on auto, hitting Roger with each.

Turn 6 Phase 5
Peter makes a D1 bend right.
Billy rolls onto his left side, taking damage. He slows to 15.
Jeff moves straight 1/2".

Turn 7 Phase 1
Peter maintains 65, scoring 2 points - he has 100 and wins the game.

Thank you ALL for playing! MH41 is being planned right now...

For those still "alive" at the end, would you like to go back into the rotation? I have 17 waiting AFTER MH41, so it will be a few events. I recommend getting back into line, so to speak, if you think you want in...

Congrats to Peter on the win, and hope the rest of you had fun!

Here's the link to the next event, if you want to follow along...

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

T6P3 - combat

None (no reply from Jeff)

Turn 6 Phase 4
Peter is the only one that moves - holding for his movement...

Sunday, October 6, 2013

T6P2 - Combat done

No combat

Turn 6 Phase 3
Peter makes a D1 right bend, conforming Billy even more.
Billy would normally made an OOC movement, but he can't move due to being conformed by Peter.
Jeff moves straight.
Peter moves straight 1/2".


Holding for Peter & Jeff...

Question - are just the closeups enough when it's down to just a few people? I figure they are more important and interesting and upload MUCH quicker than the full map...

T6P2 - Combat

I was holding for Peter's 2nd inch, but he reminded me we were in Phase 2, not 1, so at 65 he doesn't get another inch.

Turn 6 Phase 2

Holding for Peter's possible action...

T6P1 - combat

Billy's Driver fires the twin FG's at Peter, missing.
Billy's Gunner fires the laser at Peter, missing.
Rene drops Ice and Spikes again.

Turn 6 Phase 2

This was a tricky one... Billy's loss of control meant his vehicle is traveling in a direction NOT the way it's pointed... I moved his vector arrow to the point that is being hit and it's NOT in the center of Peter's counter, so Peter's collision is a T-Bone.

Billy loses some metal armor and an obstacle is dropped. Plastic is destroyed as well as the PP. The gunner and driver are both killed as well and some metal on the right side is lost. Full kill scored to Peter.
Peter has only metal armor on the front. He loses some and also drops an obstacle. Some damage goes internal.
Peter drops to 65 and conforms Billy. Billy's car loses control from the collision as well.
They hit each other's obstacles. Peter takes damage to the front left and back right tire. Billy takes no damage to his tires.
Billy's movement consists of skidding 1/2" along his movement vector.

Holding for Peter's second inch of movement...

Updated walkarounds are below. Note that Peter now has 98 points. If he still has at least 80 points at the end of Turn 11 Phase 1 and is in control, he will be declared the winner. If he manages to get at least 100 points and is in control at that time he will be the winner.

Updated walkarounds -

Gate 1 - Rick - Swiss Time Expiration - Luxury, Sloped, Metal over Plastic (front plastic gone), Gas Engine, Driver & Gunner (both unconscious), 4 Tires, TL Front, VFRP Front, Dischargers - Back, Left, Right, Front Sand, Spoiler & Airdam, Hubs Front, Guards Back     -39 points, full killed

Gate 2 - Peter - D40 Lux - Luxury, Sloped & Streamlined, Metal over Plastic (front plastic gone), Gas Engine, Driver only, 4 Racing Slicks, Dischargers - Left, Right, Back, Spoiler & Airdam, Hubs Front (left destroyed), Guards Back, Ramplate     98 points

Gate 3 - Billy - Muncher - Luxury, Electric PP, Driver & Gunner, 4 Tires, Laser in Turret, 2 FG Left, MD Back     -20 points, full killed

Gate 4 - Rene - Vivica - Sedan, Electric PP, Driver only, 4 Tires (front right and back left wheel gone), Small Bore Front, Mine Dropper Back, Ice Dropper Back, Dischargers - Front, Paint Back, Spoiler & Airdam, Hubs Front, Guards Back     -32 points, mobility killed

Gate 5 - Roger - Carnivore - Luxury, Sloped Metal over FP Plastic, front armor gone, right side armor gone, back armor gone, Electric PP, Driver only - dead, 4 Tires, HT Flaming Oil Jet Back, Spoiler & Airdam, Ramplate, Hubs Front, Guards Back     -14 points, full killed

Gate 6 - Jeff - BOOP! - Luxury, Gas Engine, Driver Johnnee Haddees, Gunner Draconia Haddees, 4 Tires, 3 RL's with Incendiary Ammo Front, RL in Top EWP, Dischargers - 2 Left, 2 Right, Hubs Front, Guards Back     43 points

Gate 7 - Travis - The Monsoon - Luxury, Sloped FP Armor, Electric PP, Driver only, 4 Tires, front right & both back wheels gone, 2 HMG's Front, HD FlamingOil Dropper behind BTC Back, Dischargers - Sand Front, Back, Flaming Oil & Flame Cloud Left, Paint Cloud right & ??? right, 2 Top, 2 Under, Spoiler & Airdam, Hubs Front and Back, Guards Back     -32 points, mobility killed

Gate 8 - Joseph - NNN - Sedan, Sloped, front armor gone, Electric PP, Driver only (dead), 4 Tires, Oil/Paint Gun Left, Dischargers - Sand Front, Back, 2 Left, Ice and Oil right, 2 Top, Flamecloud & unknown under, Spoiler & Airdam, Ramplate, Hubs Front and Back, Guards Back     2 points, full killed

Saturday, October 5, 2013

T6P1 - movement concluded

Peter makes a "less than" D6 left bend, then moves straight.


Billy - your previous instructions do not fit the map now - holding for you...

Also holding for Jeff...