Sunday, March 24, 2013

MH40 - future duel

I had SO many people in the first 24 hours (heck, it's been less than 24 hours still) want to play in MH39 that I did something I've never done before... I started taking sign ups for the NEXT duel - this one - that will NOT even be announced until MH39 is over.

I wanted these people (most of them have not played in one of my PBEM's) to have a chance to play. I just confirmed the 8th slot! Any one that wants to sign up for a future event can do so, but it will be MH41 or later.

If you want to follow the action, be sure to check out -

These are the eight players for MH40 -

Jeremy Hall
Billy H
Leon Adrian
Rick Cross
Rene Louviere
John Christensen
Jeff Rakow
Roger Burton West


  1. Any idea what division this duel will be?

  2. not yet - any suggestions? :-)

  3. I like div25 but you just did a duel for that division.

    Maybe div20 or div30?

    Also - Carmageddon for iOS is now FREE!

  4. I think since this is event number 40 that I'll do a Division 40 event and give everyone 40 skill points to use... And even let you put all the skill points into ONE skill...

  5. And require all starting speeds to be 40... ?


    1. I like that! Thinking about a penalty for driving less than 40 - either lose a point for each phase at under 40 (even if from loss of control) or maybe no firing if you're at less than 40...


    2. I'm not sure that penalizing slow movement is best. It would tend to discourage rams and penalize those hit by ram cars or suffering tire/pp damage.

      Perhaps positive reinforcement is better? Bonus for phases spent at 40. Or multiples thereof?

  6. what about this... everyone starts at 40 - at the beginning of phase 1, you get +1 points per full 10 mph OVER 40 and you lose 1 point per full 10 MPH UNDER 40

    so 32.5 - 47.5 would net zero points
    22.5 - 30 would take away a point
    55 would add a point
    90 would add 4 points

    you COULD theoretically win by just driving fast, but you're more likely to lose control, etc...
